Simulations for historical research ?

As part of our work in the project ModelSEN, Socio-epistemic networks: Modelling Historical Knowledge Processes, we are also interested in the Why! question. Instead of analyzing corpora or archives from the past, we would like to understand the motivation of actors in their time or how archives that we see now came into being, e.g. by controlled deletion of material in relation to power, or different likelyhoods of survival for data depending on gender....

August 6, 2023 · 159 words · Malte Vogl

Using JupyterBooks for seminar notes

During 2019 I held a online seminar at the HU Berlin introducing the idea of books as knowledge reservoirs. The seminar was part of a project called Vielfalt der Wissensformen funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. It had to be fully online due to Covid and had a strong component on interactive programming. Students used breakout rooms to go through prepared jupyter notebooks and solved collaboratively questions related to aspexts of topic modelling, network analytics and more....

August 6, 2023 · 99 words · Malte Vogl

Markdown Syntax Guide For RTL

This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme. ...

March 4, 2023 · 494 words · Hugo Authors